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Showing 1541 - 1550 of 1574 for "South Korea" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Filipino property developers anticipate golden age of infrastructure

15 March 2017 by Asia law

More public and private money promises to transform the infrastructure of the Philippines from this year. Foreign

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Mar.6

07 March 2017 by Asia law

LexOrbis opens office in Mumbai

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Jan.30

02 February 2017 by Asia law

Morgan Lewis expands in greater China region with Luk & Partners partnership

News & Analysis

Is India’s demonetisation experiment failing?

18 January 2017 by Asia law

India’s prime minister Narendra Modi shocked his country and the world on November 8 2016 by announcing that, fr

News & Analysis

Moves of the week of Jan.9

11 January 2017 by Asia law

Masakazu Iwakura and Gyo Toda join TMI Associates

News & Analysis

High hopes for Vietnam’s capital markets in 2017

09 January 2017 by Asia law

Vietnam is hoping the combination of a relaxation of foreign investment rules, for, stock exchange growth, a push for state-owned enterprises

News & Analysis

Indonesia adds incentives for biomass and biogas development

05 January 2017 by Asia law

Indonesia’s new regulation on the purchase of electricity from biomass and biogas power plant is a

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Dec 12

15 December 2016 by Asia law

Dentons completes merger with Gadens

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Dec 5

07 December 2016 by Asia law

HSA Advocates merges with Citadel Law Chambers

News & Analysis

Even without TPP, Trump presidency promises increased activity for lawyers

01 December 2016 by Asia law

Even during his presidential campaign, the potential of a Trump presidency sent jitters across Asian markets.