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Showing 691 - 700 of 754 for "Singapore" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of August 7

08 August 2017 by Asia law

Latest moves and updates from Hong Kong, India and Singapore

News & Analysis

Partner moves for the week of July 31

03 August 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves from India, Australia and Singapore

News & Analysis

Legal considerations for investors along the One Belt One Road

28 July 2017 by Asia law

Policymakers, academics and lawyers at a conference in Hong Kong last month spoke of the “immense opportunities” for investors in Asia in sectors such as transport and energy generation under the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. They warned, however, that investors in the 65 countries along the route of OBOR must be aware of the risks in putting their money into emerging economies that may not be equipped with robust legal frameworks.

News & Analysis

Partner moves for the week of July 24

26 July 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves from Singapore, Indonesia and more

News & Analysis

Shortlists for Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 almost here

05 July 2017 by Asia law

The research for this year’s Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 is complete and the shortlists will be available on this page soon.

News & Analysis

Australia proposes changes to reverse takeovers rule to require bidders to get shareholder approval

04 July 2017 by Asia law

The ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) has proposed changes to its listing rules to require bidders to obtain shareholder approval for reverse takeovers. These would be takeover bids or schemes of arrangement where the bidder issues more than 100% of existing capital in a bid. The change will probably begin on October 1 but would not apply to transactions announced before the implementation date.

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of July 3

03 July 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from Thailand, Singapore, India and more

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of June 26

26 June 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from Singapore, Australia and India

News & Analysis

Third-party funding in arbitration now permitted in Hong Kong

15 June 2017 by Asia law

Like it or not, arbitration can be expensive. Third-party funding arrangements offer a possible solution.

News & Analysis

IP arbitration amendment Bill passed today in Hong Kong but hurdles remain

14 June 2017 by Asia law

The Hong Kong government has passed amendments today to the territory’s arbitration ordinance to clarify that IP rights can be the subject of arbitration. The existing legislation does not specify that this is possible. The provisions in the ordinance will take effect on October 1. While the amendment may encourage more parties to go for this form of dispute resolution for IP cases, barriers still remain in choosing arbitration.