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News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of August 21

22 August 2017 by Asia law

Latest news from Australia, Singapore and Vietnam

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of August 14

15 August 2017 by Asia law

Latest updates from India and Australia

News & Analysis

Read about Asia's leading lawyers

09 August 2017 by Asia law

Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2017 is now live on this website.

News & Analysis

Japan revises Stewardship Code to target voting records disclosure and governance structures

07 August 2017 by Asia law

Japan has launched significant new corporate governance reform by revising its Stewardship Code, which requires institutional investors to disclose voting records for investments and establish governance structures to prevent conflicts of interest. The challenges will be in how the changes are implemented ahead, including how existing legislation might conflict with the controversial subject of collective engagement between investors and the companies they invest in.

News & Analysis

Laos amends investment law to attract business in targeted sectors

01 August 2017 by Asia law

Laos amends investment law to attract business in targeted sectors

News & Analysis

Exceptional Female In-House Counsel interview series: Jaclyn Jhin, CLSA

31 July 2017 by Asia law

Jaclyn Jhin, managing director and chief legal and compliance officer, CLSA, tells Asialaw about what it takes to be a successful in-house counsel, and the value of mentoring.

News & Analysis

Legal considerations for investors along the One Belt One Road

28 July 2017 by Asia law

Policymakers, academics and lawyers at a conference in Hong Kong last month spoke of the “immense opportunities” for investors in Asia in sectors such as transport and energy generation under the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. They warned, however, that investors in the 65 countries along the route of OBOR must be aware of the risks in putting their money into emerging economies that may not be equipped with robust legal frameworks.

News & Analysis

Partner moves for the week of July 24

26 July 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves from Singapore, Indonesia and more

News & Analysis

China launches reporting framework against tax evasion

05 July 2017 by Asia law

The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) has become effective in China, a sign that the country is taking a full part in the OECD’s initiatives on the automatic exchange of information (AEOI). Soon the tax authorities there will have access to detailed information about the assets held overseas by Chinese taxpayers.

News & Analysis

Shortlists for Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 almost here

05 July 2017 by Asia law

The research for this year’s Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 is complete and the shortlists will be available on this page soon.