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Showing 1821 - 1830 of 1979 for "Han Kun Law Offices" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of June 12

13 June 2017 by Asia law

Latest moves and updates from Thailand, China and Australia

News & Analysis

Exceptional Female In-House Counsel interview series: Catherine Kardinal, General Counsel, Siemens

12 June 2017 by Asia law

This month, we speak with Catherine Kardinal, general counsel for Siemens in Hong Kong, about the importance of finding a company culture that fits one’s lifestyle, the challenge of getting support from management on legal advice as an in-house counsel and how being a company lawyer can be similar to being a psychologist.

News & Analysis

The Asialaw Profiles 2018 client referee survey is now open

12 June 2017 by Asia law

The Asialaw Profiles 2018 client referee survey is now open.

News & Analysis

Are investment courts the answer to investment treaty dispute resolution?

07 June 2017 by Asia law

Investment courts for resolving investment treaty disputes is on the agenda for the negotiations on the China-EU bilateral investment treaty, which are due to be completed later this year. Policymakers, academics and lawyers at a conference in Hong Kong last month offered various perspectives on the potential advantages and pitfalls of having an investment court and other options that could be available.

News & Analysis

New Zealand calls for gender pay equity with new Bill

06 June 2017 by Asia law

New Zealand is tabling a new Bill that will provide a bargaining framework for gender pay equity claims.

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of June 5

05 June 2017 by Asia law

Latest moves and updates from Hong Kong, Singapore, China and more

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for week of May 29

31 May 2017 by Asia law

Trilegal, Holden Redlich, AZB & Partners and Clasis Law have all welcomed new partners this week.

News & Analysis

Key takeaways for in-house counsel from Asialaw summit

23 May 2017 by Asia law

Highlights from the annual event, now in its 14th year

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of May 22

22 May 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from India, China, Hong Kong and Indonesia

News & Analysis

Singapore criminalises trading in data in new cybersecurity law

19 May 2017 by Asia law

Singapore made changes to its Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act in April to target cybercrime, an issue that has been of increasing concern around the world especially with the WannaCry ransomware attacks. The amendments will criminalise activities that involve the dealing in and trading of personal information. Businesses that collect and work with personal data for legitimate purposes should take heed of the changes to avoid potential breaches.