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Showing 551 - 560 of 590 for "Real estate" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Exceptional Female In-House Counsel interview series: Jaclyn Jhin, CLSA

31 July 2017 by Asia law

Jaclyn Jhin, managing director and chief legal and compliance officer, CLSA, tells Asialaw about what it takes to be a successful in-house counsel, and the value of mentoring.

News & Analysis

Shortlists for Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 almost here

05 July 2017 by Asia law

The research for this year’s Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 is complete and the shortlists will be available on this page soon.

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of July 3

03 July 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from Thailand, Singapore, India and more

News & Analysis

Key takeaways for in-house counsel from Asialaw summit

23 May 2017 by Asia law

Highlights from the annual event, now in its 14th year

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of May 22

22 May 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from India, China, Hong Kong and Indonesia

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates of the week of May 15

15 May 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from China, India and Australia

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates of the week of May 8

09 May 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from Singapore, India, Hong Kong and Australia

News & Analysis

Enter now for the Asialaw Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 [Cloned]

19 April 2017 by Asia law

The research process for this year’s Asialaw Dispute Resolution Awards is under way. The awards will be presented at a dinner in Hong Kong in September.

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Apr.10

10 April 2017 by Asia law

Allen & Gledhill and Rahmat Lim & Partners launch fintech practice

News & Analysis

A brief introduction to dispute resolution in China

06 April 2017 by Asia law

Jiangtao Ma and John Zou, of Dentons, give readers, especially Chinese companies, a brief understanding of the dispute resolution system in China, particularly if they do business with foreign investors