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Showing 2991 - 3000 of 3115 for "Labour and employment" with applied filters

News & Analysis

What are the legal lessons learned from the Hanjin Shipping bankruptcy?

29 March 2017 by Asia law

Hanjin Shipping’s bankruptcy raises questions about how to resolve cross-border maritime restructuring and insolvency cases and the legal implications for the different organisations in the shipping industry when a bankruptcy occurs.

News & Analysis

Moves of the week of Mar.27

28 March 2017 by Asia law

Leon Yee promoted to chairman of Duane Morris & Selvam

News & Analysis

China’s curbs on capital outflows will only have short-term impact on outbound M&A, say observers

23 March 2017 by Asia law

China’s curbs on capital outflows are being felt in the volume of outbound M&A transactions, but measures should be short term

News & Analysis

New Zealand braces for new AML/CFT rules

22 March 2017 by Asia law

The Panama Papers leak and increasing concerns of anti-money laundering and tax evasion, is driving the New Zealand government’s

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Mar.20

21 March 2017 by Asia law

Aseem Chawla has joined Phoenix Legal

News & Analysis

Filipino property developers anticipate golden age of infrastructure

15 March 2017 by Asia law

More public and private money promises to transform the infrastructure of the Philippines from this year. Foreign

News & Analysis

Moves of the week of Mar.13

14 March 2017 by Asia law

ZICO Law expands in Vietnam and Malaysia

News & Analysis

Get ready to submit for Asialaw Profiles 2018

13 March 2017 by Asia law

The research cycle for the next edition of Asialaw Profiles has begun.

News & Analysis

Indonesia makes significant changes to construction law

09 March 2017 by Asia law

Builders and property developers will have to get used to a changed legal regime in Indonesia after the enactment of a new law on construction services.

News & Analysis

Exceptional Female In-House Counsel in Asia interview: Edith Shih, CK Hutchison Holdings

08 March 2017 by Asia law

Edith Shih of CK Hutchison Holdings believes that family demands influence what areas of law female lawyers opt for and there is much more Hong Kong can do to support working women.