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Showing 1421 - 1430 of 1710 for "Makes & Partners" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Macau SAR’s most relevant legal developments in the last 12 months

06 September 2019 by Asia law

Macau SAR (MSAR) is recognised as one of the most open economies in the world by the World Trade Organization in terms of investment, as it is a tax haven and a free port with no foreign exchange control regimes.

News & Analysis

JunHe Welcomes New Partner Ye Yurong

04 September 2019 by Asia law

JunHe warmly welcomes Ye Yurong as a partner in our Hong Kong office. Ms. Ye focuses on capital markets, corporate and M&A.

News & Analysis

Copyright Infringement in Cinematographic film

04 September 2019 by Asia law

In the matter of copyright infringement for a film, there has been a mix of decisions by the Indian courts, each presenting a divergent opinion on the point - whether the infringing copy in case of cinematographic film has to be an exact copy made by the process of duplication or whether it refers to another work which substantially, fundamentally, essentially and materially resembles the original film.

News & Analysis

THE PHILIPPINES: Joining the rank of “innovation achievers”

04 September 2019 by Patricia Bunye

In the recently released 2019 Global Innovation Index (“GII”) report, the Philippines saw a notable 19-place leap from the 73rd spot in 2018 to 54th this year.

News & Analysis


04 September 2019 by Asia law

From the time it commenced operations in 2003, the Indonesian Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (“KPK”) had never lost a case.

News & Analysis

OSS System – Indonesia’s Answer to Minimize Bureaucracy and the Lengthy Licensing Regime

04 September 2019 by Asia law

On 21 June 2018, the Indonesian Government introduced the Online Single Submission (“OSS”) system under Regulation No. 24 of 2018 (“GR 24/2018”) on Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Services.

News & Analysis

Analysis of the difference between non-compete disputes and disputes over infringement of business secrets

04 September 2019 by Zhenghe Liu

Business secrets refer to such commercial information as technical information and business information, which are of commercial value, unknown to the public, and protected by security measures.

News & Analysis

Arbitration of BRI disputes: Singapore’s burgeoning role

04 September 2019 by Peter Doraisamy

The Belt-Road Initiative stands tall as the largest transcontinental infrastructure program the world as ever seen. Cutting across 68 nations and linking together three continents by land and sea, the BRI is a revival of the ancient trade network, the Silk Roads that drove economic growth and development in Asia.

News & Analysis

A Short Review of the Case Guidance System of the Chinese Judiciary

04 September 2019 by Asia law

The Chinese Case Guidance System (“the CG System”) has been a bizarre creature for western legal professionals since it was established by the Supreme People’s Court of China (“the Supreme Court”) in 2011.

News & Analysis

The Judicial Attitudes toward Tying Practice in China: Commentary on a Guidance Antirust Litigation Case published by the Supreme Court

04 September 2019 by Asia law

The case Wu Xiaoqin v. Shanxi Broadcast & TV Network Intermediary (Group) Co., Ltd., is a typical abuse of market dominance case by the form of typing practice, which was trialed by Xi'an Intermediate People’s Court (“Xi'an Court”) as the first instance court, then by Shanxi Higher People’s Court (“Shanxi High Court” or “appellate court”) in the appeal procedure, and lastly by the Supreme People’s Court (“Supreme Court”) in the retrial procedure.