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Showing 1101 - 1110 of 1612 for "AZB & Partners" with applied filters

News & Analysis

JIPYONG’s 2022 Year in Review

03 January 2023 by Jipyong - South Korea

As the year draws to a close, JIPYONG’s various practice groups look back at their achievements for the year 2022 and offer their insights for the coming year.

News & Analysis

KFTC Proposes Revisions to Merger Review Guidelines and Merger Filing Guidelines

14 December 2022 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

The Korea Fair Trade Commission (“KFTC”) proposed revisions to the Merger Review Guidelines and the Merger Filing Guidelines to facilitate merger reviews of certain investments and to expedite their review process.

News & Analysis


13 December 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for August 2022 is...

News & Analysis

Han Kun Releases 2021 Fund Practice Data Analysis Report: PE fund market rebounded. Smart hardware and biomedicine retained the crown

02 December 2022 by Han Kun Law Offices - China

In 2021, markets appeared to reach a new equilibrium following the widespread rampage wrought by Covid-19 the year before, as many economies gradually adjusted to the “new normal” and business activities saw a sharp rebound.

News & Analysis


23 November 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for November 2022 is...

News & Analysis


23 November 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Lawyer of the Month for November 2022 is...

News & Analysis

Indonesia’s Competition Authority Takes SME Partnership Supervision to a New Level

11 November 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

The year 2022 marks a historic era for Indonesia’s Business Competition Authority (“KPPU”) as it is the year KPPU ruling on Partnerships involving Small Medium Enterprises (“SME”)’s passed. While stakeholders find it undisputed that SME Partnerships are distinct from competition matters, the prevailing laws and regulations provide that the supervision of SME Partnerships is borne by KPPU. Now that KPPU is actively enforcing that authority, business actors need be aware of and observe this issue moving forward.

News & Analysis

Trademark trolling and its Perils - a note of caution

02 November 2022 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Shireen Sidhu

In today’s interconnected global economy, securing protection over Intellectual Property assets has become an indispensable requirement for businesses at various levels. Trademarks being one of the most important instrument of IP and valuable intangible asset to business in today’s era, functions as a source identifier for distinguishing the goods and services of one entity from those of others.

News & Analysis


18 October 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for October 2022 is...

News & Analysis

Helmsman LLC welcomes Una Khng onboard to head its Commercial Disputes Practice Group in Asia Pacific and Greater China

05 October 2022 by Helmsman

Helmsman LLC, one of Singapore’s leading law firms, has appointed Ms. Una Khng as Director and Head of its Commercial Disputes Practice Group.