The publication features the leading lawyers at national and regional law firms in 18 practice areas and 24 jurisdictions and is the result of an extensive online survey at the end of 2016 and earlier this year, which asked in-house counsel, corporate executives and lawyers at local, regional and international law firms to nominate up to three lawyers and tell us why their work and reputation meant they deserved a place in Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2017. They could also make two nominations for lawyers termed rising stars. The research also covered the individuals mentioned in the 2017 edition of Asialaw Profiles, which highlighted the leading national and regional firms throughout the region.

How to read Leading Lawyers

To find out who the leading lawyers are in any jurisdiction, just go to any of the jurisdictions listed by region above, for example, China, click on the name of that country and click on the Leading Lawyers tab on that country’s page. It couldn’t be easier.

Every leading lawyer is listed free of charge at the back of the publication. Individuals or firms who wished to raise their profile in the market could co-publish biographies for a fee. Firms who have yet to put their lawyers’ biographies online should contact Anicette Indiana for further details.

The biographies allow in-house counsel and other users of legal services to, at-a-glance:

  • Identify the leading practitioners in one of the 24 jurisdictions featured in Asialaw Leading Lawyers;
  • Understand why the work and reputation of these lawyers has won them a place in the publication;
  • Discover the industries the lawyers with biographies specialise in;
  • Learn some of the trends and key developments in the practice areas the lawyers with biographies focus on; and
  • Pinpoint the right adviser for their matter;

Nominations were analysed and screened for firm, network and alliance bias, and divided into three lists according to the definitions of market-leading lawyer, leading lawyer and rising star which you can refer to below. The list of specialists was then discussed and refined by the Asialaw research team, based on its wide knowledge of the market.


  • A market-leading lawyer is a head of practice and / or with a management role in their firm, and has an exceptional record of client service.
  • A leading lawyer is a long established member of a practice team with a reputation for superior client service.
  • A rising star is a lawyer, including junior partner, of less seven years’ experience who has made an immediate impact as an adviser in their practice area.