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Showing 111 - 120 of 172 for "V%26T%20Law%20Firm" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Korea Includes Nuclear Power in the Revised K-Taxonomy

07 November 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

With the looming energy crisis in Europe reviving nuclear power plants globally , new light has been shed on the role of nuclear power in pursuit of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

News & Analysis

Trademark trolling and its Perils - a note of caution

02 November 2022 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Shireen Sidhu

In today’s interconnected global economy, securing protection over Intellectual Property assets has become an indispensable requirement for businesses at various levels. Trademarks being one of the most important instrument of IP and valuable intangible asset to business in today’s era, functions as a source identifier for distinguishing the goods and services of one entity from those of others.

News & Analysis

Relooking Section 3(d) Through Judicial Lens

24 October 2022 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

Patentability of derivatives of known substance particularly drugs find a tough and bumpy road at Patent office in India since the introduction section 3 (d) amendments in 2005.This amendment remain the hall mark of the shift of Indian patent regime from process patent to product patent particularly for food drugs and chemicals.

News & Analysis

The New Requirement for Healthcare Facilities: Electronic Medical Records

17 October 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

The Indonesian Minister of Health has issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records (“MOH 24/2022”), under which the MOH requires all healthcare facilities to keep electronic medical records. MOH 24/2022 allows, among other things, cooperation between a healthcare facility and a third-party electronic organizer and covers who may have access to electronic medical records.

News & Analysis

asialaw Awards 2022/23 - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

30 September 2022 by asialaw

Check out the full list of asialaw Awards 2022/23 winners here...

News & Analysis

Law and punitive damages in IP suits in India

20 September 2022 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Vanshika Arora

In India, for intellectual property (IP) disputes, the statutes and courts have always been more focused on compensatory damages, i.e., compensating the aggrieved party to help them restore their position. This approach has led to a lack in the IP regime as it did not effectively achieve the twin objective of compensation and deterrence.

News & Analysis

Recent Changes to the Scope of Available Discovery in International Arbitration

05 September 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

Corporations often turn to arbitration to manage risks of being hauled into unfamiliar national courts and unpredictable laws. An often overlooked consequence of choosing arbitration is that available discovery may be limited, as a trade-off to efficiency and cost-saving. But in many civil law jurisdictions such as South Korea, discovery practice may be more limited than arbitral proceedings seated in common law jurisdictions or governed by their laws. In this regard, discovery in U.S. litigation stands out unparalleled.

News & Analysis

Disclaimer as an instrument of amendment under Section 59

23 August 2022 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

In normal circumstances a patentee/patent applicant resists and rather abhor curtailing or pruning of the claims of their invention. The recourse to the use instrument of disclaimer is adopted by the patent applicant/patent in extreme cases where the objection to clarify the exact scope of the invention is called into question, when they are faced with the refusal /invalidity of their patent claims.

News & Analysis

Update on the Terms of Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward Transactions Under Indonesian Law

18 August 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

Bank Indonesia recently updated its regulation on domestic non-deliverable forward (DNDF) transactions. Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 24/7/PBI/2022 on Foreign Exchange Market Transactions (“BI Reg. 24/7/2022”) replaces the previous regulation on DNDF, BI Regulation No. 20/10/PBI/2018 (as amended). BI Reg. 24/7/2022 makes some noteworthy amendments on the DNDF terms and introduces new thresholds and provisions on DNDF transactions. This Advisory covers the salient key points that banks and business actors need to note in the new BI Reg. 24/7/2022.

News & Analysis

asialaw Awards 2022/23 – Join us now!

16 August 2022 by asialaw

asialaw is pleased to present our awards virtual ceremony...