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Showing 1211 - 1220 of 1891 for "Yuen Law" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Helmsman celebrated firm`s strategic transformation at the National gallery Singapore

07 November 2022 by Helmsman - Singapore

Helmsman LLC celebrated the firm’s strategic transformation last week at the National Gallery Singapore to mark its progress from a specialist shipping and commodities firm to a multidisciplinary services firm. The event, Helmsman Redefined: A Celebration gathered industry professionals, clients, and leaders together for the celebration.

News & Analysis

Trademark trolling and its Perils - a note of caution

02 November 2022 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Shireen Sidhu

In today’s interconnected global economy, securing protection over Intellectual Property assets has become an indispensable requirement for businesses at various levels. Trademarks being one of the most important instrument of IP and valuable intangible asset to business in today’s era, functions as a source identifier for distinguishing the goods and services of one entity from those of others.

News & Analysis

Indonesia’s First Comprehensive Legal Framework for Personal Data Protection

28 October 2022 by SHIFT Counsellors at Law - Kurniawan Tanzil and Septiani Pratiwi

The long wait is over. The House of Representatives has finally ratified the draft law on personal data protection. The draft law was passed into Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection (the “Privacy Law”) and has come into effect since 17 October 2022.

News & Analysis

Relooking Section 3(d) Through Judicial Lens

24 October 2022 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

Patentability of derivatives of known substance particularly drugs find a tough and bumpy road at Patent office in India since the introduction section 3 (d) amendments in 2005.This amendment remain the hall mark of the shift of Indian patent regime from process patent to product patent particularly for food drugs and chemicals.

News & Analysis


18 October 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for October 2022 is...

News & Analysis


18 October 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Lawyer of the Month for October 2022 is...

News & Analysis

Helmsman LLC welcomes Una Khng onboard to head its Commercial Disputes Practice Group in Asia Pacific and Greater China

05 October 2022 by Helmsman

Helmsman LLC, one of Singapore’s leading law firms, has appointed Ms. Una Khng as Director and Head of its Commercial Disputes Practice Group.

News & Analysis

Skyrocketing Material Prices’ Impact on Construction Contracts and Impending Amendment to Korean Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act

04 October 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

While the global economy is suffering from COVID-19 related recession and political unrest, the construction industry has been hit especially hard by surging prices of materials and wages. Subcontractors in particular are suffering huge losses. To cushion the harsh blow to contractors and subcontractors, the Korean government has introduced a mechanism called “Supply Cost Linkage System” effective September 2022. Through this system, increases in raw material prices can be automatically reflected and incorporated into construction costs. This system, however, is not mandatory under the current law, and several bills to amend the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act (the “Subcontracting Act”) are being introduced one after another.

News & Analysis

asialaw Awards 2022/23 - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

30 September 2022 by asialaw

Check out the full list of asialaw Awards 2022/23 winners here...

News & Analysis

Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Law Finally Enacted

26 September 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

After extensive discussions and multiple changes to the draft bill since 2016, the Indonesian House of Representatives passed the draft bill on Personal Data Protection on 20 September 2022 (“Personal Data Protection Law”). The Personal Data Protection Law will be the basis of the regulations on personal data protection and this advisory highlights the key provisions.