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Showing 1231 - 1240 of 1599 for "South%20Korea" with applied filters

News & Analysis

DHC on irrational reasoning and requirements in patent refusal orders

04 May 2023 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Madhuri Gupta, Senior Associate, Patents team

In a recent Judgement, the Delhi High Court (“Court”) decided on an appeal filed by Microsoft Corporation to set aside the decision of Controller General of Patents and Designs (“Controller”) dated 05th March 2012 refusing the grant of Indian patent application 487/DELNP/2006 (“subject patent”) under Section 15 of the Patents Act.

News & Analysis

Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Korea and Interplay with the Korean Fair Trade Act

25 April 2023 by Jipyong - South Korea

A recent decision by the German Federal Court of Justice has spurred interest in the international arbitration community regarding the interplay between a country’s antitrust laws and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.

News & Analysis

Product Hopping and Ever-Greening of Patents in India

20 April 2023 by LexOrbis - Arun Kumar (Managing associate)

The Indian pharmaceutical market is one of the largest markets in the globe, both in terms of production and consumption. Several changes have been made to the patent and competition law due to the increasing challenges in the pharmaceutical market that directly impact the profit margin of pharmaceutical manufacturers. To increase these margins, pharmaceutical product manufacturing firms employ a variety of strategies. This article investigates the concept of “product hopping” and compares it with the practice of patent evergreening.

News & Analysis

Demystifying the Digital Asset Dispute Resolution landscape

12 April 2023 by Singularity Legal

Singularity Legal is hosting a quarterly training series under the banner of Expert Talk, an initiative seeking to provide quality continued digital education to professionals, through freely accessible webinars, and a digital library of blogs, alerts, insights and talks on dispute resolution and litigation finance. The series is to help clients and peers navigate complex disputes.

News & Analysis

DSK Legal shifts to new offices in Mumbai & Pune

12 April 2023 by DSK Legal - India

In line with its continuing growth, DSK Legal has shifted to larger offices in Mumbai and Pune. Equipped with the necessary amenities and state-of-the-art infrastructure, the new offices will provide a harmonious work environment for lawyers and clients.

News & Analysis

Judicial trend of copyright Protection for Character Merchandising in India

12 April 2023 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Pallavi Dora

Character Merchandising is a new age business phenomenon to commercially exploit the famous comic characters in garb of generating revenue and fetch profit by using the pictures, voice dialogues of famous characters / personalities of which the general public are emotionally connected. The evolution of the character merchandising was by the famous company – Walt Disney Studios in 1930’s when they licensed the famous character like Mickey Minnie and Donald duck. Technological advancement and channels devoted to children entertainment has created a demand in the market and influenced the said segment to buy the product as the general public get attached to the character.

News & Analysis

DSK Legal appoints 4 Partners and 3 Associate Partners

03 April 2023 by DSK Legal - India

DSK Legal has promoted Associate Partners Abhishek Singh Baghel, Jayesh Kothari, Mitali Naik and Nakul Batra as Partners; and Principal Associates Akanksha Tiwary, Prachi Garg and Prachi Gupta as Associate Partners.

News & Analysis

Enforcement of Store Layout Trademarks in India – An uphill battle for brand owners

28 March 2023 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Farhaan Rizvi

A visually appealing store is a crucial asset for any business aiming to provide a consistent quality of goods and services across its stores . These stores featuring a distinct theme design commonly seen on their signage, wall arts, overall décor etc. not only reflects a cohesive brand imagery of the business but also create a lasting impression on the customers, strengthening their brand recall value.

News & Analysis

Resolving the conflict between section 3(d) and section 3(e)

23 March 2023 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

It is generally known and understood that every exception in the act should stand on its own footing. Two seemingly similar provisions in legal sense cannot lean back on one another to fortify the argument favouring the exception or otherwise. This seemingly sound argument suffers the close scrutiny of the Delhi High court in Best Agrolife Limited v Deputy Controller of Patents & Anr (WP(C)-IPD 11/2022 & CM 32/2022, 54/2022, 55/2022).

News & Analysis

Demystifying SEBI`s consultation papers on alternative investment funds

15 March 2023 by Juris Corp - Apurva Kanvinde, Mannan Gala

Over the last few years, alternative investment funds (“AIFs”) have emerged as an integral class of investors. As part of the ongoing efforts of the Securities Exchange Board of India ("SEBI") to evaluate and further ease the regulatory landscape for AIFs in India, SEBI has released five consultation papers, each of which covers a different element of the AIF norms and also includes a suggestion for an alternative review. The objective of the consultation papers is to seek comments / inputs / suggestions from all stakeholders on the proposals presented by SEBI.