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Showing 1031 - 1040 of 1229 for "Capital markets" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Matters to be addressed in the future revision of China’s trade mark law

24 September 2019 by Asia law

In March 2018, the trade mark office announced its intention to revise the trade mark law and invited the public to make comments and suggestions.

News & Analysis

asialaw Profiles and asialaw Leading Lawyers 2020 - NOW LIVE

13 September 2019 by Asia law

asialaw Profiles and asialaw Leading Lawyers 2020 edition is LIVE!

News & Analysis

Zaid Ibrahim & Co strengthens fintech and corporate practice with new hire

13 September 2019 by Asia law

ZICO Law recruits new corporate partner in Malaysia

News & Analysis

Withers KhattarWong bolsters funds team

12 September 2019 by Asia law

Withers KhattarWong hires investment specialist Daniel Yong and two associates from Morgan Lewis

News & Analysis

Highlighted and key developments of Indonesian investment and M&A regulations

06 September 2019 by Luky I Walalangi

What were the most important legal developments in the last 12 months and how might they affect businesses?

News & Analysis

Macau SAR’s most relevant legal developments in the last 12 months

06 September 2019 by Asia law

Macau SAR (MSAR) is recognised as one of the most open economies in the world by the World Trade Organization in terms of investment, as it is a tax haven and a free port with no foreign exchange control regimes.

News & Analysis

JunHe Welcomes New Partner Ye Yurong

04 September 2019 by Asia law

JunHe warmly welcomes Ye Yurong as a partner in our Hong Kong office. Ms. Ye focuses on capital markets, corporate and M&A.

News & Analysis

OSS System – Indonesia’s Answer to Minimize Bureaucracy and the Lengthy Licensing Regime

04 September 2019 by Asia law

On 21 June 2018, the Indonesian Government introduced the Online Single Submission (“OSS”) system under Regulation No. 24 of 2018 (“GR 24/2018”) on Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Services.

News & Analysis

THE PHILIPPINES: Joining the rank of “innovation achievers”

04 September 2019 by Patricia Bunye

In the recently released 2019 Global Innovation Index (“GII”) report, the Philippines saw a notable 19-place leap from the 73rd spot in 2018 to 54th this year.

News & Analysis

Arbitration of BRI disputes: Singapore’s burgeoning role

04 September 2019 by Peter Doraisamy

The Belt-Road Initiative stands tall as the largest transcontinental infrastructure program the world as ever seen. Cutting across 68 nations and linking together three continents by land and sea, the BRI is a revival of the ancient trade network, the Silk Roads that drove economic growth and development in Asia.