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Showing 1491 - 1500 of 2382 for "Commerce & Finance Law Offices" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Employment (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2022

16 August 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co - Sivabalah Nadarajah, Benedict Ngoh Ti Tang

On 12 August 2022, the much-anticipated Employment (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 20221 (“2022 Order”) was gazetted and it will come into force with effect from 1 September 2022.

News & Analysis

Sheriff’s Expenses — The Requirement to Obtain Prior Sanction of the Court or the Sheriff

04 August 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co - Rajasingam Gothandapani, Lynnette Tan Hui Ling

A case note by Rajasingam Gothandapani and Lynnette Tan Hui Ling.

News & Analysis

Opposition Proceedings under the Patents (Amendment) Act 2022

11 July 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

In this article, Pravind Chandra looks at the new section 55A of the Patents (Amendment) Act 2022.

News & Analysis

Re Scomi Group Bhd: Judicial Management Not Available for Public Listed Companies?

23 June 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

In this article, Douglas Goh Peng Fong discusses whether a public listed company can apply for a judicial management order under Subdivision 2 of Division 8 (Corporate Rescue Mechanism) of Part III of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA”).

News & Analysis

DTR Automotive Corporation’s Purchase of Stake in Doosan Machine Tools from MBK Partners

12 June 2022 by Kim & Chang - South Korea

In this transaction, MBK Partners successfully exited from its investment in Doosan Machine Tools, while DTR Automotive Corporation was able to diversify its business via its acquisition of the company.

News & Analysis

The Dawn of Merger Control in Malaysia (MyCC’s Proposals to Amend the Competition Act 2010)

30 May 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

As indicated in numerous press statements1 issued by the Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”) in recent years, MyCC is undertaking an exercise to amend the Competition Act 2010 (“CA 2010”), most notably to introduce a general merger control regime in Malaysia and to enhance its powers under the CA 2010.

News & Analysis

Dispute Resolution: Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd v Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd [2021] 5 MLJ 79

15 May 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

A case note by Yap Jun Cheng

News & Analysis

CKH v CKG – clarifying the grounds for setting aside an arbitral award

10 May 2022 by Ng Yuan Siang

Expert Analysis Article

News & Analysis

Corporate/M&A Auspicious Journey: The Federal Court decides on minority shareholders rights

05 May 2022 by A case note by David Lim Wei Choon

The Federal Court (“FC”) in Auspicious Journey Sdn Bhd v Ebony Ritz Sdn Bhd1 has affirmed in its reasoning on whether the remedy in section 181 of the Companies Act 1965 (“CA 1965”) (now section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”)) in a case where an organ of a company is exercising its power in an oppressive manner to the minority that liability may be imposed onto parties other than the majority shareholders.

News & Analysis

Amendments to the Malaysian Patents Act 1983 & Patents Regulations 1986

30 April 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

Amendments have been made to the Patents Act 1983 (“PA1983”) and Patent Regulations 1986 (“PR1986”), via the Patents (Amendment) Act 2022 (“the Amending Act”) and Patents (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (“the Amending Regulations”).