Showing 321 - 330 of 559 for "Hong Kong SAR" with applied filters
16 April 2021 by
LC Lawyers shares the firm's success at delivering client service excellence with asialaw
22 March 2021 by
The Hong Kong Government allowed certain businesses to provide services so long as they comply with additional measures including their staff undergoing regular COVID-19 testing every 14 days.
05 March 2021 by
A corporation may adopt legal managed services to facilitate its compliance functions across different jurisdictions
19 February 2021 by
Given the heavy reliance of the public on such list of tax exempted charities, it is time to understand how the Inland Revenue Department identifies charities
02 February 2021 by
Out of the 33 privatisation offers, only three were made through voluntary general offers
02 February 2021 by
The Greater Bay Area companies may choose to list in the A-shares market in Mainland China or Hong Kong. Small and medium-sized enterprises may also choose to list on GEM in Hong Kong which has relatively lower requirements for listing.
18 September 2024 by
asialaw's Deal of the Month for September 2024 is...
01 August 2024 by
The Public Notice on Designation of NCT(the NCT Public Notice) provides a detailed list of National Core Technology(NCT) protected under the Act on Prevention of Divulgence and Protection of Industrial Technology (the Industrial Technology Protection Act).