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Showing 1181 - 1190 of 1788 for "Chang Tsi & Partners" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Trademark protection of signature poses and voices of celebrities in India: An uncharted territory

08 June 2023 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - India: Sakshi Mathur, Associate

Personality rights, commonly known as ‘right of publicity,’ guarantees an individual right in one’s personal attributes such as appearance, signature, voice, silhouette, face, features, gestures, expressions, mannerisms etc, paving way for an individual to use and commercialise one’s identity.

News & Analysis

Latest Update to “Guidelines for Workplace Risk Assessment“ to Impact Businesses in Korea

31 May 2023 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

On 22 May 2023, the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) announced a significant update to its “Guidelines for Workplace Risk Assessment“ (Guidelines), effective immediately.

News & Analysis

Revisiting 101 rule of Transfer Pricing in Indonesia

29 May 2023 by ABNR - Indonesia: Freddy Karyadi, Anastasia Irawati

As one of the designated Key Partners of the OECD, Indonesia has implemented some of the OECD’s Action Plans into its prevailing laws and regulations, including Action 8-10 concerning Transfer Pricing and Action 13 concerning Country-by-country Reporting.

News & Analysis

Advised on MBK Partners’ KRW 2.5 Trillion Acquisition of Leading Global Dental Scanner Developer Medit Corporation from UCK Partners

25 May 2023 by Kim & Chang - South Korea

Kim & Chang, using separate teams, advised both the buyer, MBK Partners, and the sellers, UCK Partners (formerly known as Unison Capital Korea) and individual shareholders, in connection with the purchase and sale of Medit Corporation (the “Target Company”).

News & Analysis

AnJie Broad IP Team Attended 2023 INTA in Singapore

24 May 2023 by AnJie Broad Law Firm

The International Trademark Association (INTA) conference was held from May 16 to 20, 2023 at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel Convention and Exhibition Center in Singapore, attracting over 8000 attendees from around the world.

News & Analysis

AnJie Broad Assisted Client in Reaching a Settlement in Cross-border Anti-suit Injunction Dispute

22 May 2023 by AnJie Broad Law Firm

Recently, AnJie Broad Broad Law Firm successfully assisted a Chinese insurance company in reaching settlement in a cross-border anti-suit injunction dispute with a Norwegian car shipping company.

News & Analysis


18 May 2023 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for May 2023 is...

News & Analysis


18 May 2023 by asialaw

asialaw's Lawyer of the Month for May 2023 is...

News & Analysis

Patenting Molecular Diagnostics

17 May 2023 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

The patent eligibility in every jurisdiction differs in content and form. It perhaps finds its justification in the stage of development the country is placed in relation to inventions of new technology or its adoption by the state technology groups.

News & Analysis

AnJie Broad successfully provides arbitration services to domestic enterprises in Hong Kong

16 May 2023 by AnJie Broad Law Firm

Recently, AnJie Broad Law Firm received a Consent Award signed by the international arbitrators, Mr. Philip Yang, Mr. Patrick O'Donovan, and Mr. Danny Mok, from the UK and Hong Kong