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Showing 1271 - 1280 of 1617 for "South Korea" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Recent developments at the Indian Patent Office related to filing of sequence listing as per the WIPO standards

30 August 2022 by LexOrbis - Manisha Singh (Partner) & Shikha Singh (Managing Associate)

As known by many in the Intellectual Property industry the WIPO was working on the tool named “WIPO sequence” since 2020. Its first stable release was launched on April 7, 2020, followed by two consecutive releases till the final version i.e. WIPO Standard ST.26 went live on July 01, 2022. As soon as this tool was launched all the PCT countries including India recognized its importance. Consequently, the Indian Patent Office on 17th June 2022 issued a public notice informing all the stakeholders that all Sequence Listings that are part of an international application filed on and after 1st July 2022 under the Patent Cooperation Treaty must be compliant with WIPO Standard ST.26.

News & Analysis

LG Energy Solution’s IPO and Listing on the Korea Exchange’s KOSPI Market

26 August 2022 by Kim & Chang - South Korea

Kim & Chang acted as counsel for LG Energy Solution in its IPO to list its shares on the Korea Exchange's KOSPI Market. LG Energy Solution is one of the global leaders in the rechargeable battery industry with production and R&D networks around the world.

News & Analysis

Disclaimer as an instrument of amendment under Section 59

23 August 2022 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

In normal circumstances a patentee/patent applicant resists and rather abhor curtailing or pruning of the claims of their invention. The recourse to the use instrument of disclaimer is adopted by the patent applicant/patent in extreme cases where the objection to clarify the exact scope of the invention is called into question, when they are faced with the refusal /invalidity of their patent claims.

News & Analysis

Financial Regulation Innovation: Policy Direction of FSC

16 August 2022 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

Lee & Ko’s Digital Finance Team takes a close look at the establishment of the Financial Regulation Innovation Council, the direction of the financial regulation innovation announced by the Financial Services Commission, and the points to consider in relation to future improvements to financial regulations.

News & Analysis

New Administration Displays Its Strong Will to Promote Digital Health

15 August 2022 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

Further to the 110 national initiatives for the new administration announced on May 3, 2022 (see our newsletter dated May 10, 2022), the government released a more detailed plan to promote digital health on July 27, 2022 (the Plan). The Plan was jointly prepared by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the Ministry of Food and Safety.

News & Analysis

Regulation of Digital Assets – Now and Future

01 August 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

The digital asset market was recently hit by the Terra (LUNA) crash and the Celsius withdrawal freeze. It was further shaken by the global economic downturn and austerity measures. With 5.58 million cryptocurrency investors and 1,256 listed cryptocurrencies, and average daily cryptocurrency transactions amounting to KRW 11 trillion, Korea’s KRW 55 trillion digital asset market was hardly unaffected by this crisis. Consequently, the need to enact laws on digital assets has become ever more crucial.

News & Analysis

Introduction to a Revolutionary Reform of the Patent Remedy System in Taiwan

20 July 2022 by Tsai Lee & Chen - Taiwan

The currently effective Patent Act is the version of 2013. There were several revisions over the years, while the comprehensive structure of examination system remains largely constant. Yet the patent remedy regime implemented in the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (“TIPO”) will inevitably embrace an enormous change followed by a draft of amendment (“Draft”) ready to enter the parliament. Inclusive of 40 articles revised, 29 added, and 7 deleted, the Draft marks a change of largest scale to the patent system since 2013.

News & Analysis

New Amendments to the Prosecutors’ Office Act and the Criminal Procedure Code

04 July 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

The latest amendments to Korea’s Criminal Procedure Code (the “CPC”) and the Prosecutors’ Office Act (the “POA”), intended (among others) to limit the prosecution’s power to conduct investigations directly, was passed by the National Assembly on May 9, 2022 and is scheduled to come into effect on September 10, 2022. Some of the key amendments, as well as the answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQ) on such amendments, are provided below.

News & Analysis

Cocrystallization of drugs: A new hope for medical engineering

01 July 2022 by DPS Parmar [Former Technical Member (Patents), erstwhile Intellectual Property Appellate Board Special Counsel, LexOrbis]

It is known that certain crystals can coexist as supramolecular synthons. Since the discovery of the first cocrystal of urea with NaCl in 1773 a lot has changed. In 1844, the first cocrystal of the 1:1 ratio between Benzoquinone and Hydroquinone (Quinhydrone) was obtained.

News & Analysis

Anticipated Changes in Fair Trade Policies under the Suk-yeol Yoon Presidency

15 June 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

The inauguration of Mr. Suk-yeol Yoon as the twentieth president of the Republic of Korea took place on May 10, resulting in a shift in governing party from the Democratic Party to the People Power Party. It is anticipated that this political shift will bring about changes in various public policies.