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Showing 1471 - 1480 of 1710 for "Makes & Partners" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Jingtian & Gongcheng launches disputes practice in Hong Kong with Reynolds Porter Chamberlain duo

12 April 2019 by Asia law

Jingtian & Gongcheng is expanding its Hong Kong office with the addition of two senior lawyers from Reynolds Porter Chamberlain.

News & Analysis

L&L Partners welcomes new partner to its projects practice in Mumbai

11 April 2019 by Asia law

L&L Partners boosts its projects practice with new hire.

News & Analysis

Red Circle firm Jingtian & Gongcheng initiates a merger with Hong Kong firm

11 April 2019 by Asia law

Jingtian & Gongcheng enters into a merger with Hong Kong firm, L&C Legal.

News & Analysis

New Year marks the start of Miura & Partners

10 April 2019 by Asia law

Former Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Partner Ryota Miura establishes full-service law firm.

News & Analysis

Platinum Partners boosts its corporate practice with new hire

08 April 2019 by Asia law

Platinum Partners hired new partner from S&R Associates to strengthen its corporate practice.

News & Analysis

J Sagar Associates plays key role in the abolishment of the RBI 12 February circular

04 April 2019 by Asia law

The landmark judgement to repeal the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 12 circular puts power companies at ease.

News & Analysis

Bharucha & Partners and Mundkur Law Partners merges to form Bharucha Singh Mundkur (B&P)

03 April 2019 by Asia law

Bharucha & Partners merges with Mundkur Law Partners to expand its practice in Bangalore.

News & Analysis

Samvad Partners welcomes new corporate partner at Mumbai Office

02 April 2019 by Asia law

Samvad Partners welcomes new corporate partner from JSA.

News & Analysis

Rajah & Tann’s deputy managing partner Patrick Ang becomes the new managing partner

01 April 2019 by Asia law

Patrick Ang is set to replace Eng Beng Lee, who will continue as a chairperson of Rajah & Tann.

News & Analysis

AZB & Partners advises 21st Century Fox in $71 billion acquisition by Disney

28 March 2019 by Asia law

AZB & Partners advised global entertainment giant, 21st Century Fox in its $71 billion acquisition by the Walt Disney Company effective from March 20 2019.