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Showing 1091 - 1100 of 1229 for "Capital markets" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Client Service Report: China 2019

12 December 2018 by Asia law

Client Feedback Analysis

News & Analysis

Client Service Report: Cambodia 2019

05 December 2018 by Asia law

Client Feedback Analysis

News & Analysis

Press Release: Azmi & Associates Secures Licence to Employ a Foreign Lawyer

23 November 2018 by Asia law

Pierre Brochet will be joining the firm as a registered Foreign Qualified Lawyer for the following permitted practice areas: corporate finance, capital market, banking & finance and derivatives.

News & Analysis

Working As the Issuer’s Domestic Counsel, JunHe Assists XIAOMI CORPORATION in its Listing on the Main Board of the HKEX

12 November 2018 by Asia law

JunHe Assists XIAOMI CORPORATION in its Listing on the Main Board of the HKEX

News & Analysis

asialaw Profiles 2019: Client Feedback on Individual Lawyers

12 November 2018 by Asia law

Client Feedback on Private Practitioners across the Asia-Pacific Region

News & Analysis


09 November 2018 by Asia law

The best female lawyers from across the region

News & Analysis

asialaw Data Intelligence Report

01 November 2018 by Asia law

For your internal business development strategy

News & Analysis

China Update: Major Legal Developments in the Past Year

19 October 2018 by Asia law

Authored by Tina YE at Jin Mao Partners

News & Analysis

JunHe clinches a place in the top three “2018 Universum China Most Attractive Legal Employer Awards”, for the third year in a row

12 October 2018 by Asia law

JunHe clinches a place in the top three “2018 Universum China Most Attractive Legal Employer Awards”, for the third year in a row.

News & Analysis

asialaw Profiles 2019 Rankings – NOW LIVE

21 September 2018 by Asia law

asialaw Profiles 2019 Rankings – NOW LIVE