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News & Analysis

The New Requirement for Healthcare Facilities: Electronic Medical Records

17 October 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

The Indonesian Minister of Health has issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records (“MOH 24/2022”), under which the MOH requires all healthcare facilities to keep electronic medical records. MOH 24/2022 allows, among other things, cooperation between a healthcare facility and a third-party electronic organizer and covers who may have access to electronic medical records.

News & Analysis

Manufacturer and Distributor Provisions based on GR No.29/2021 and MOT Regulation No.24/2021

14 October 2022 by Melli Darsa & Co - Indonesia

Last year, the Minister of Trade (“MOT”) issued the MOT Regulation No. 24 of 2021 (“MOT Regulation 24/2021”) on Agreements for Distribution of Goods by Distributors or Agents, which revokes and replaces the MOT Regulation No. 11/M-DAG/PER/3/2006 (“MOT Regulation 11/2006”). MOT Regulation 24/2021 was issued as an implementing regulation of Government Regulation No. 29 of 2021 on Implementation of the Trade Sector (“GR 29/2021”).

News & Analysis

Integration of decentralised blockchain (off-chain) arbitration

14 October 2022 by Dominic Ng Ken Ming

In an era of accelerating developments in the domain of Web3, smart contracts and blockchain are concepts that are increasingly familiar. Likewise, heralds for the digitalisation of traditional and classic dispute resolution mechanisms have never been louder. To properly decipher and ensure smooth digital adoption, it is of paramount importance for practitioners, to appreciate and understand the local legislative mechanisms in order to ensure the enforceability of awards arising from such digitalised dispute resolution mechanisms. This article highlights, solely, from a Malaysian legal perspective, how decentralised arbitration platforms can potentially be integrated with existing domestic legal frameworks.

News & Analysis

The Implementation of the Presidential Regulation on Renewable Energy: The Beginning of the Transition from Coal Fired Power Plants to Renewable Energy Power Plants

09 October 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

President Joko Widodo has just issued Presidential Regulation No. 112 of 2022 on the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for the Supply of Power which came into effect on 13 September 2022. The PR on Renewable Energy introduces key major provisions which may significantly affect the electric power industry, especially with the phasing out of coal-fired power plants, and urges prioritizing the development of renewable energy power plants. These advisory highlights the key provisions.

News & Analysis

Skyrocketing Material Prices’ Impact on Construction Contracts and Impending Amendment to Korean Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act

04 October 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

While the global economy is suffering from COVID-19 related recession and political unrest, the construction industry has been hit especially hard by surging prices of materials and wages. Subcontractors in particular are suffering huge losses. To cushion the harsh blow to contractors and subcontractors, the Korean government has introduced a mechanism called “Supply Cost Linkage System” effective September 2022. Through this system, increases in raw material prices can be automatically reflected and incorporated into construction costs. This system, however, is not mandatory under the current law, and several bills to amend the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act (the “Subcontracting Act”) are being introduced one after another.

News & Analysis

Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Law Finally Enacted

26 September 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

After extensive discussions and multiple changes to the draft bill since 2016, the Indonesian House of Representatives passed the draft bill on Personal Data Protection on 20 September 2022 (“Personal Data Protection Law”). The Personal Data Protection Law will be the basis of the regulations on personal data protection and this advisory highlights the key provisions.

News & Analysis

Issues in Acknowledging Rights of AI Entities in the Existing Legal Framework

23 September 2022 by LexOrbis - Joginder Singh (Partner) & Piyush Sharma (Associate Partner)

In our routine life, AI entities have found a prominent place in the form of virtual assistants. Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Bixby are prominent examples of the presence of AI in our daily lives. Moreover, smart electronic appliances, such as Air-Conditioners, Refrigerators, Chimneys, and Television have also imbibed AI to offer preference-based operation for the convenience of the end-user. One of the most ground-breaking applications of AI is found in autonomous cars, which have recently been garnering a lot of media attention. Therefore, knowingly or unknowingly, AI has become an essential part of our lives and it is quite evident that its presence and our dependence on the same will increase in the years to come.

News & Analysis

Law and punitive damages in IP suits in India

20 September 2022 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Vanshika Arora

In India, for intellectual property (IP) disputes, the statutes and courts have always been more focused on compensatory damages, i.e., compensating the aggrieved party to help them restore their position. This approach has led to a lack in the IP regime as it did not effectively achieve the twin objective of compensation and deterrence.

News & Analysis

New Financial Service Authority Regulation on Peer-to-Peer Lending

06 September 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

The ever-growing industry of Peer-to-Peer Lending (“P2P Lending”) has driven the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – “OJK”) to issue OJK Regulation No. 10/POJK.05/2022 on Technology-Based Collective Financing Services, which came into force on 4 July 2022. The regulation provides more detailed and extensive provisions to cater with the rapid development of the industry. This advisory serves as a brief introduction to the regulation, in order to gauge the new regulatory framework for P2P Lending and how it differs from its predecessor, including the transition period for existing P2P Lending Providers to comply with the new requirements under this regulation.

News & Analysis

Recent Changes to the Scope of Available Discovery in International Arbitration

05 September 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

Corporations often turn to arbitration to manage risks of being hauled into unfamiliar national courts and unpredictable laws. An often overlooked consequence of choosing arbitration is that available discovery may be limited, as a trade-off to efficiency and cost-saving. But in many civil law jurisdictions such as South Korea, discovery practice may be more limited than arbitral proceedings seated in common law jurisdictions or governed by their laws. In this regard, discovery in U.S. litigation stands out unparalleled.