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Showing 2101 - 2110 of 2111 for "Guantao Law Firm" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Timbadia hire strengthens BMR’s transfer pricing

16 February 2016 by Asia law

Bhavik Timbadia (pictured) has become a partner in the transfer practice...

News & Analysis

SAMHI Hotels calls on Economic Laws Practice for Ascent transaction

15 February 2016 by Asia law

ELP advised SAMHI Hotels on its estimated Rs3.5 billion ($51 million) acquisition...

News & Analysis

Tsit Wing uses Deacons for Hong Kong trade mark appeal win

15 February 2016 by Asia law

Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal has ruled in favour of Tsit Wing...

News & Analysis

Syahdan Aziz steps up at Indonesia’s SSEK

05 February 2016 by Asia law

Syahdan Aziz became a partner of SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants...

News & Analysis

Indian government calls on Nishith Desai Associates for advice on significant infrastructure initiative

05 February 2016 by Asia law

Nishith Desai Associates advised India’s Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and...

News & Analysis

Warburg Pincus relies on AZB on latest CarTrade financing

29 January 2016 by Asia law

The private-equity practice of AZB Partners advised Highdell Investment...

News & Analysis

AZB on Nomura’s side in sale of fund and trustco stakes

20 January 2016 by Asia law

India’s AZB & Partners advised Nomura Asset Management on the sale of a 35% stake...

News & Analysis

SAM & Co advises on Red Fort India Real Estate HoldCo I’s exit from Exora Business Parks

15 January 2016 by Asia law

In a deal worth more than Rs600 crore ($90 million), Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co...

News & Analysis

Tilleke & Gibbins gain two new partners in Le Marquer and Taweepon

12 January 2016 by Asia law

Aaron Le Marquer and Suebsiri Taweepon have become partners of Tilleke & Gibbins...

News & Analysis

Yulchon closes 2015 with slew of megadeals

11 January 2016 by Asia law

Yulchon finished 2015 with a string of deals worth trillions of Korean Won...