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Showing 501 - 510 of 792 for "Private equity" with applied filters

News & Analysis


21 February 2023 by asialaw

asialaw's Lawyer of the Month for February 2023 is...

News & Analysis


21 February 2023 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for February 2023 is...

News & Analysis

Anand and Anand launches ‘Digital Group’

20 February 2023 by Anand and Anand - India

In its centenary year, Tier I full-service Intellectual Property firm Anand and Anand today announced the launch of its ‘Digital Group’.

News & Analysis

India: Contemnor to pay INR 2 Crores to the plaintiffs in a patent infringement case

02 February 2023 by Anand and Anand

Pfizer Inc. and its group companies (“Pfizer”) filed a suit bearing no. CS (COMM) No. 442 of 2021 titled as Pfizer Inc. & Ors. v. Triveni Interchem Private Limited & Ors. before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court, for infringement of patent IN 218291 for the compound Palbociclib.

News & Analysis


31 January 2023 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for January 2023 is...

News & Analysis


31 January 2023 by asialaw

asialaw's Lawyer of the Month for January 2023 is...

News & Analysis

Advised Cigna Corporation on its Sale of LINA Korea to Chubb Limited

31 January 2023 by Kim & Chang - South Korea

On October 7, 2021, Cigna group entered a stock purchase agreement to sell the equity interests of certain companies operating across seven countries, including LINA Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (“LINA Life”) and Cigna Korea, to Chubb group for USD $5.75 billion in cash (this event is hereby referred to as “the Transaction”). The Transaction was successfully completed on July 1, 2022. Kim & Chang advised Cigna Group in this transaction with respect to due diligence on LINA Life and other divested companies in Korea, review and execution of the stock purchase agreement and other legal advice necessary or required for the transaction.

News & Analysis

2023 Capital Markets Regulation Trends and its Impacts on Corporations

18 January 2023 by Hyunjoo Oh, partner, Lee & Ko

Much of what was discussed in the new administration's capital market policy prospects in early 2022 was carried over from election pledges. That may be why the general market protection policy was widely deployed. Regulatory authority’s intention to regulate unfair trade has been announced several times and is reflected in regulation and supervision in a variety of ways. Robust financial supervisory authorities, a revived joint investigation team for securities crimes at the prosecutor’s office, and special provisions regarding listed companies in the Financial Service and Capital Markets Act of Korea (“FSCMA”) are actively working together. Let's take a look at the impact this regulatory trend will have on listed companies in 2023.

News & Analysis

JIPYONG’s 2022 Year in Review

03 January 2023 by Jipyong - South Korea

As the year draws to a close, JIPYONG’s various practice groups look back at their achievements for the year 2022 and offer their insights for the coming year.

News & Analysis

KFTC Proposes Revisions to Merger Review Guidelines and Merger Filing Guidelines

14 December 2022 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

The Korea Fair Trade Commission (“KFTC”) proposed revisions to the Merger Review Guidelines and the Merger Filing Guidelines to facilitate merger reviews of certain investments and to expedite their review process.