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Showing 2301 - 2310 of 3115 for "Industrials and manufacturing" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Sponsored briefing: The foreign acquisition of Chinese enterprises

03 January 2024 by Hui Ye Law Firm - China

Wu Dong of Hui Ye Law Firm discusses the key points necessary for understanding the foreign acquisition of Chinese state-owned enterprises

News & Analysis

Foreign Acquisition of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises

03 January 2024 by Hui Ye Law Firm - China

Wu Dong and Sun Xiaoning from Hui Ye Law Firm highlight a number of considerations that warrant particular attention from foreign investors seeking to acquire state-owned enterprises in China.

News & Analysis

KFTC proposes ex-ante regulation of platforms under the “Platform Competition Promotion Act”

02 January 2024 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

On December 19, 2023, the Korea Fair Trade Commission (“KFTC”) announced its proposal to enact the “Platform Competition Promotion Act” (“PCPA”) for ex-ante regulation of platforms by designating “dominant platform operators.”

News & Analysis

“Known Substance” Must be Disclosed Before the Date of Priority for Section 3(d) of Patents Act: Madras High Court

02 January 2024 by Manisha Singh (Partner) & Avi Garg (Partner)

Non-patentable inventions are always a bone of contention between the applicant and the patent office.

News & Analysis

Roche v DCGI: Delhi High Court on Rejection of Plaints and Doctrine of Passing Off

21 December 2023 by Manisha Singh (Partner) & Neha Ruhela (Senior Associate)

The Delhi High Court, in F Hoffmann-La Roche & others v. Drugs Controller General of India & others (2023:DHC:6522), dismissed applications filed by Cadila Healthcare and Hetero Drugs seeking rejection of the plaints in Roche’s suits

News & Analysis

VILAF announces promotion of new partner Tung Nguyen

15 December 2023 by VILAF - Vietnam

VILAF announces promotion of new partner Tung Nguyen

News & Analysis

Judgment Finds That Cryptocurrency Debts Can Be Used to Determine Whether a Company is Insolvent

14 December 2023 by Yuen Law - Singapore : Tris Xavier

Singapore High Court determines that obligation to repay cryptocurrency counts as debts for determining the insolvency of a company under the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018

News & Analysis

Designing around patent is considered legitimate

13 December 2023 by DPS Parmar

It is common to find competitive inventors to work on the uncovered aspect of a patent claim and design around it to escape the sword of infringement.

News & Analysis

LexOrbis Strengthens its IP Footprint with Chennai Expansion

04 December 2023 by LexOrbis - India

LexOrbis is delighted to announce the opening of its new office in Chennai, India.

News & Analysis

Shareholders’ Contractual Rights in Korea’s Rehabilitation Proceedings

04 December 2023 by Jipyong - South Korea

In a recent case concerning shareholders’ contractual rights in rehabilitation proceedings, Korea’s Supreme Court held that a contract which grants the shareholders the right to consent