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Showing 1561 - 1570 of 1574 for "South Korea" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas and S&R Associates advise on India’s first insurance IPO

04 October 2016 by Asia law

Two top capital market practices advised on India’s first initial public offering (IPO) by an insurer in late September

News & Analysis

Asialaw highlights top dispute resolution firms and individuals

27 September 2016 by Asia law

On a night that recognised the leading dispute resolution advisers in Asia, Nicholas Hunsworth of Mayer Brown JSM won the trophy for outstanding practitioner

News & Analysis

Corrs promote new partners

18 July 2016 by Asia law

Corrs Chambers Westgarth has added James Morley and Simon Reid to the firm’s partnership

News & Analysis

Ashwath Rau joins AZB & Partners in latest partner move in India

10 June 2016 by Asia law

Ashwath Rau’s departure from Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (CAM) continues the churn of senior partners at India’s top-tier law firms

News & Analysis

Akshat Pande joins Seth Dua & Associates to lead new Noida office

29 April 2016 by Asia law

Akshat Pande and 10 of his colleagues from Alpha Partners have joined Seth Dua & Associates (SDA)

News & Analysis

Indian private-equity investors call on Lex Favios for Vastu deal

15 March 2016 by Asia law

Lex Favios advised private equity fund Multiples Alternative and a group of former senior bankers on its investment

News & Analysis

Mori Hamada promotes six to partnership in Japan

01 March 2016 by Asia law

Mori Hamada & Matsumoto appoints five associates and one of counsel as new partners...

News & Analysis

Timbadia hire strengthens BMR’s transfer pricing

16 February 2016 by Asia law

Bhavik Timbadia (pictured) has become a partner in the transfer practice...

News & Analysis

SAMHI Hotels calls on Economic Laws Practice for Ascent transaction

15 February 2016 by Asia law

ELP advised SAMHI Hotels on its estimated Rs3.5 billion ($51 million) acquisition...

News & Analysis

Indian government calls on Nishith Desai Associates for advice on significant infrastructure initiative

05 February 2016 by Asia law

Nishith Desai Associates advised India’s Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and...