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News & Analysis

New Financial Service Authority Regulation on Peer-to-Peer Lending

06 September 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

The ever-growing industry of Peer-to-Peer Lending (“P2P Lending”) has driven the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – “OJK”) to issue OJK Regulation No. 10/POJK.05/2022 on Technology-Based Collective Financing Services, which came into force on 4 July 2022. The regulation provides more detailed and extensive provisions to cater with the rapid development of the industry. This advisory serves as a brief introduction to the regulation, in order to gauge the new regulatory framework for P2P Lending and how it differs from its predecessor, including the transition period for existing P2P Lending Providers to comply with the new requirements under this regulation.

News & Analysis

Disclaimer as an instrument of amendment under Section 59

23 August 2022 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

In normal circumstances a patentee/patent applicant resists and rather abhor curtailing or pruning of the claims of their invention. The recourse to the use instrument of disclaimer is adopted by the patent applicant/patent in extreme cases where the objection to clarify the exact scope of the invention is called into question, when they are faced with the refusal /invalidity of their patent claims.

News & Analysis

Update on the Terms of Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward Transactions Under Indonesian Law

18 August 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

Bank Indonesia recently updated its regulation on domestic non-deliverable forward (DNDF) transactions. Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 24/7/PBI/2022 on Foreign Exchange Market Transactions (“BI Reg. 24/7/2022”) replaces the previous regulation on DNDF, BI Regulation No. 20/10/PBI/2018 (as amended). BI Reg. 24/7/2022 makes some noteworthy amendments on the DNDF terms and introduces new thresholds and provisions on DNDF transactions. This Advisory covers the salient key points that banks and business actors need to note in the new BI Reg. 24/7/2022.

News & Analysis

Financial Regulation Innovation: Policy Direction of FSC

16 August 2022 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

Lee & Ko’s Digital Finance Team takes a close look at the establishment of the Financial Regulation Innovation Council, the direction of the financial regulation innovation announced by the Financial Services Commission, and the points to consider in relation to future improvements to financial regulations.

News & Analysis

Employment (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2022

16 August 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co - Sivabalah Nadarajah, Benedict Ngoh Ti Tang

On 12 August 2022, the much-anticipated Employment (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 20221 (“2022 Order”) was gazetted and it will come into force with effect from 1 September 2022.

News & Analysis

New Administration Displays Its Strong Will to Promote Digital Health

15 August 2022 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

Further to the 110 national initiatives for the new administration announced on May 3, 2022 (see our newsletter dated May 10, 2022), the government released a more detailed plan to promote digital health on July 27, 2022 (the Plan). The Plan was jointly prepared by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the Ministry of Food and Safety.

News & Analysis

Should Hong Kong businesses be resetting their integrity agenda?

25 July 2022 by LC Lawyers

COVID-19 disrupted businesses globally and impacted the way they operate, with knock on effects on employees, counterparties and customers. Amid the turmoil, new opportunities and challenges emerged, some posing difficult ethical dilemmas affecting future viability and success of businesses. These factors created a perfect storm for misconduct. Two plus years on, we are starting to see its impact on businesses and their personnel.

News & Analysis

Introduction to a Revolutionary Reform of the Patent Remedy System in Taiwan

20 July 2022 by Tsai Lee & Chen - Taiwan

The currently effective Patent Act is the version of 2013. There were several revisions over the years, while the comprehensive structure of examination system remains largely constant. Yet the patent remedy regime implemented in the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (“TIPO”) will inevitably embrace an enormous change followed by a draft of amendment (“Draft”) ready to enter the parliament. Inclusive of 40 articles revised, 29 added, and 7 deleted, the Draft marks a change of largest scale to the patent system since 2013.

News & Analysis

Regulation on The Taxation of Financial Technology Implementation Services

13 July 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

In order to provide clarity regarding the tax obligations of financial technology providers and users in Indonesia, Indonesia’s Minister of Finance (“MOF”) issued MOF Regulation No. 69/PMK.03/2022 on the Income Tax and Value Added Tax on the Organization of Financial Technology (“MOF Reg 69/2022”) on 30 March 2022, which came into force on 1 May 2022. This regulation mainly covers Income Tax on Peer-to-Peer and Value Added Tax on financial technology service transactions.

News & Analysis

Opposition Proceedings under the Patents (Amendment) Act 2022

11 July 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

In this article, Pravind Chandra looks at the new section 55A of the Patents (Amendment) Act 2022.