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Showing 111 - 120 of 131 for "Allen & Gledhill" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Asialaw Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 – 7 days until the announcement

21 September 2017 by Asia law

The nominations for the third annual Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards have been announced

News & Analysis

Japan revises Stewardship Code to target voting records disclosure and governance structures

07 August 2017 by Asia law

Japan has launched significant new corporate governance reform by revising its Stewardship Code, which requires institutional investors to disclose voting records for investments and establish governance structures to prevent conflicts of interest. The challenges will be in how the changes are implemented ahead, including how existing legislation might conflict with the controversial subject of collective engagement between investors and the companies they invest in.

News & Analysis

China’s new linkage scheme will transform pharmaceutical patenting

27 July 2017 by Asia law

The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) is planning to introduce a patent linkage scheme that will require a generic applicant to make a non-infringement declaration against an innovator’s patent portfolio. By creating this linkage, innovators can rest assured that their innovations are protected while generic drug companies are motivated to get regulatory approval for entry into market by proving that a patent is invalid or not infringed. However, observers warn of potential challenges in implementation.

News & Analysis

Australia proposes changes to reverse takeovers rule to require bidders to get shareholder approval

04 July 2017 by Asia law

The ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) has proposed changes to its listing rules to require bidders to obtain shareholder approval for reverse takeovers. These would be takeover bids or schemes of arrangement where the bidder issues more than 100% of existing capital in a bid. The change will probably begin on October 1 but would not apply to transactions announced before the implementation date.

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of July 3

03 July 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from Thailand, Singapore, India and more

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of June 26

26 June 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from Singapore, Australia and India

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of June 12

13 June 2017 by Asia law

Latest moves and updates from Thailand, China and Australia

News & Analysis

Are investment courts the answer to investment treaty dispute resolution?

07 June 2017 by Asia law

Investment courts for resolving investment treaty disputes is on the agenda for the negotiations on the China-EU bilateral investment treaty, which are due to be completed later this year. Policymakers, academics and lawyers at a conference in Hong Kong last month offered various perspectives on the potential advantages and pitfalls of having an investment court and other options that could be available.

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates of the week of May 15

15 May 2017 by Asia law

Latest partner moves and firm updates from China, India and Australia

News & Analysis

Queensland’s new rules extend environmental liability to individuals and related entities

12 May 2017 by Asia law

The government in the Australian state of Queensland could have to spend millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money on environmental liabilities of contaminated sites and has decided to change the law to stop that from happening in the future.