asialaw 2022/23 research cycle is now open and accepting submissions.

The submission deadline for the research is: 8th April, 2022.


Submissions for this research cycle will be used for the research for:

  • 27th edition of asialaw’s research
  • asialaw’s leading lawyers
  • asialaw’s awards


How to participate in the research

To take part in our research simply:

  1. Download our research form and client referees form
  2. Complete the form(s)
  3. Upload them to our Euromoney Accreditation Portal


Click here to read resarch guidlines.

The guidelines provide a comprehensive explanation of asialaw's research methodology and criteria, in addition to the research timetable for 2022/23. Links to download the research form template and to upload completed forms and client referees are available in the research guidelines page.