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Showing 1301 - 1310 of 2111 for "SSEK Law Firm" with applied filters

News & Analysis

asialaw's DOTM for January 2024: Highways Infrastructure Trust's significant acquisition

20 February 2024 by asialaw

asialaw's DOTM for January 2024 is...

News & Analysis

Sir CV Raman recreated in 3D using AI and related tech to create awareness about science among children!

19 February 2024 by Anand and Anand

Sir CV Raman recreated in 3D using AI and related tech to create awareness about science among children!

News & Analysis

Biological Material and Written Description Requirement under Patent Law

29 January 2024 by DPS Parmar (Special Counsel)

The three tenets of a patent grant are possession, disclosure, and claims of invention.

News & Analysis

Indonesian Legal Expert Recognised as December's Lawyer of the Month for Key Role in Facilitating Blockbuster E-commerce Deal

16 January 2024 by asialaw

December 2023's Lawyer of the Month is a legal expert who has demonstrated exceptional excellence in their field. This article takes a closer look at their achievements and what sets them apart.

News & Analysis

Legal Excellence: asialaw's Deal of the Month for December 2023

16 January 2024 by asialaw

asialaw's deal of the month for December 2023 is...

News & Analysis

Quid Pro Quo of Patent Bargain: Disclosure of Invention

16 January 2024 by Manisha Singh (Partner) & Vaneet Kaur (Managing Associate)

The exclusive right of a patentee to stop others from making or using their invention for a defined period is balanced by the obligation to disclose the invention in detail.

News & Analysis

RS Helikopter GmbH AnJie Broad assisted Rode Helicopter in its wholly-owned acquisition of a German coaxial twin-rotor helicopter R&D and manufacturing enterprise RS Helikopter GmbH

08 January 2024 by AnJie Broad Law Firm

RS Helikopter GmbH AnJie Broad assisted Rode Helicopter in its wholly-owned acquisition of a German coaxial twin-rotor helicopter R&D and manufacturing enterprise RS Helikopter GmbH

News & Analysis

First Insights into China’s New Corporate Landscape

05 January 2024 by Ray SHI, Claire XU

Barely a week ago on December 29, 2023, China’s legislative body passed and President Xi Jinping signed into law the newly revised Company Law, effective from July 1, 2024 (the “New Law”).

News & Analysis

Anatomy of Licensing Deals from China Regulatory Perspective

04 January 2024 by Aaron GU, Pengfei YOU, Duzhiyun ZHENG, Yuzhen ZHANG, Fengqi YU

Driven by the passion and belief, and fraught with various risks and challenges, the research and development of innovative drugs and medical devices is a journey that’s never easy.

News & Analysis

Sponsored briefing: The foreign acquisition of Chinese enterprises

03 January 2024 by Hui Ye Law Firm - China

Wu Dong of Hui Ye Law Firm discusses the key points necessary for understanding the foreign acquisition of Chinese state-owned enterprises