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Showing 121 - 130 of 148 for "Australia" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Jan.30

02 February 2017 by Asia law

Morgan Lewis expands in greater China region with Luk & Partners partnership

News & Analysis

Singapore has right ingredients for successful fintech recipe

24 January 2017 by Asia law

Singapore is well on its way to making financial technology (fintech) a priority in its economy and setting the stage for the country to be a hub for this market.

News & Analysis

Moves of the week of Jan.23

23 January 2017 by Asia law

Mark Wong joins Duane Morris & Selvam as a director

News & Analysis

Telecommunications network security obligations get tougher in Australia

16 January 2017 by Asia law

Australia is ramping up its network security rules for the telecommunications industry. The Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment

News & Analysis

Moves of the week of January 2

04 January 2017 by Asia law

MinterEllison adds two partners in China offices

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Dec 12

15 December 2016 by Asia law

Dentons completes merger with Gadens

News & Analysis

Moves and updates of the week of Dec 5

07 December 2016 by Asia law

HSA Advocates merges with Citadel Law Chambers

News & Analysis

Even without TPP, Trump presidency promises increased activity for lawyers

01 December 2016 by Asia law

Even during his presidential campaign, the potential of a Trump presidency sent jitters across Asian markets.

News & Analysis

Moves of the week of Nov 21

23 November 2016 by Asia law

Simon Li joins Anjie Law Firm

News & Analysis

Top M&A trends to watch for in Australia in 2017

16 November 2016 by Asia law

Australia has seen some of the biggest and controversial M&A transactions in the Asia-Pacific region in 2016.